My Feedback so far
After creating a website: in Graphite, here is the feedback
Ease of use
- Layer and section Renaming
- 'Add' panel separately and 'layer' panel separately. (I want to add an element directly in the layer panel rather than the screen)
- Absolute layer alignment
- Nudging
- Send to back , send to front
- Hide option in layer panel same like figma with eye icon
- Components like Figma
- custom icons without faIcon name
- take me to column or layer when i click it in panel
- design styles- font and color for mobile and tab separately just like Grid.
Not working or errors
- Hide on Device- for absolute
- Hiding layer on Desktop hides in Mobile as well
- Hide on device still shows up when it is hideen, it should be showing show on device instead.
- Expand option in Animation.(Search bar expanding)
- Menu drop down button
- a functional search that actually searches the website
- blur effect or glass morphism
- custom fonts
- Embed video without code snippet.
- Clicking on object A moves Object B in animation. ( Eg: Clicing on search button expands the input field of seach)
- Scroll to sections in same page.( eg: clicking on features button scrolls down to features of the same page)
- More responsive break points for more devices
- option to change netlify sub domain name
- Figma to Graphite plugin like
What will make me choose Graphite as a UI / UX designer :
- Provide unlimited files to create and publish in netlify same like Figma (in free tier)
- Same design possibilities as of Webflow
- Cheaper Hosting like
Why I don't use Webflow?
- Restricts me to just 2 files and just 2 pages
- Clients dont want webflow because of high hosting fees.
Why I don't use Wordpress?
- maintenance
- hundreds of plugins
- less security
- Less design possibilites
Tools am trying on the side along with Graphite
For a cheap and neat page, I use other web builder. Unicorn Platform.
And now I'm looking other options, Graphite is more freedom, but also it is not "there" yet.
Layer name is not editable.
Resizing image suddenly change the stacking order (MS Words meme material?)
Adding component is very tedious job. Because I always worry my margin, space, size, etc is not in a harmony.
When duplicating, there is a weird feeling dragging a section from point A to point B.
"Is it moving?" "Is it in the right place?"
Rather than click & drag, I prefer if Graphite add an arrows, up and down. Just click up to move up. The end. No worries.
Your review is on the same page as I what wanted to say. I hope Graphite team can update more frequently. Tiny update a week is OK than giant update in a year.