Wix/Webflow Difference?

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I'm fairly new to all this, so before I give your editor a try, how is it different from what Wix or Webflow have to offer? Is it easier, better/worse?

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Graphite Support
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Hi Marc!

Let us say this first: we have nothing but love for Wix (and their Editor X tool) and Webflow, but Graphite is way easier to use, especially if you're intimidated by code and webdev technicalities. For a more detailed comparison, please consult this article.

Graphite Support
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Hi Marc!

Let us say this first: we have nothing but love for Wix (and their Editor X tool) and Webflow, but Graphite is way easier to use, especially if you're intimidated by code and webdev technicalities. For a more detailed comparison, please consult this article.