User freedom and customization


Hi graphite. I congrats you for the sick look of the whole thing. I beg you sorry in advance for my english, but I write from Italy.

There are some things I found pretty disturbing and I want to point them out:

  1. Drag and drop an element where I wanted: I added a button that I wanted to put in the top-right of the main menu of the Charmer template. You know that there are the social icons there and I just wanted to insert the button right next to the icons on the right. I spent a whole minute or two trying to do that but I gave up. I couldn't figure out how to align on the right that button.
  2.  Rename a project: You really need to let users rename the projects. Just imagine a freelance who wants to use Graphite as his/her main website builder for his clients. He will have multiple projects going on. Do you think he/she will be happy if all his/her projects are named: "Project"?? No, you need to let us customize our dashboard. It could even be fun to let us choose the dashboard colors.
  3. Ask for confirmation on users actions: this is a BIG ONE! Imagine that a user is trying to rename the project (previous point) and reads "rename" instead of "remove". He/she clicks on it and suddenly the project with all the websites he/she was working on disappears! You always, and I repeat ALWAYS ask for confirmation with this type of user action. This is really important.

I just used Graphite for few minutes last night but I'm looking forward to see the improvements you will make.

I hope you will find my suggestions to be useful for you.

I'm a User Experience Designer and this is my linkedin account if you need anything from me: